Make your life easier with Automatic Heated Wiper Blades. Our system is easy to install and is fully automatic requiring NO switch for activation.
Find the right wiper size for your vehicle
Crystal Clear offers all standard blade sizes ranging from 16” to 28” Can't Find What You're Looking For? Contact Us Directly

Automatic System
Activating only when your engine is on and temperatures are at, or below freezing (41ºF, 4ºC). Our blades also turn off when the engine stops to keepbattery life safe. No manual shut-off that can leave you stranded with a dead battery!
Design and manufacturing
Designed to O.E.M. standards. Using smart design decisions like putting the temperature sensor in the blades themselves to measure for the most accurate windshield temperature.
High Quality Construction
Wiper blades are only as efficient as the squeegee. Our heated windshield-wipers feature replaceable, hiqh quality, squeegees with a graphite coating for the clearest, streak-free de-icing results.
P67 Certified water and dust-proof connections. FCC Certifed ensures the system will not interfere with any electronics in or on the vehicle.
Performance When You Need It Most

Quality Construction
Heavy Duty I-Beam Blad has a high quality replaceable
rubber squeegee with a graphite coating.
Heated Wiper Blades
CRYSTAL CLEAR heated wiper blades melt away ice and snow as
you go, keeping your windshield crystal clear so you can focus
on what matters most.
Automatic Activation
Featuring a built-in sensor for the most accurate windshield
temp and fully automatic, switch-free operation.